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Monthly Archives: January 2025

Nutrition and Health

There’s no denying that the food we eat has a huge impact on our health. But what types of food are healthy and what is the right amount to eat each day? This question is a matter of debate and nutritionists’ opinions are constantly changing.

Cod liver oil or cod liver oil

High in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the human body and can help prevent certain diseases. Cod liver oil and fish oil are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the human body and can help prevent certain diseases. The two oils

Post-Knee Replacement Surgery Instructions

Self-care tips after knee replacement surgery will help patients regain normal knee function as soon as possible. Recommendations for self-care after knee replacement surgery will help patients regain normal knee function as soon as possible, including movement and muscle strength. Most practices will be explained

How to relieve neck pain

Treatment for neck pain is usually done non-surgically and most people get better with the methods mentioned above. How to relieve neck pain Our neck is made up of many parts such as bones, ligaments, discs, muscles and nerves. If any part is overused or

The importance of childbirth planning

Preparing for having a child by consulting with an expert doctor is a part of family planning that couples should give importance to because it will help determine the appropriate time to have a child. It also helps determine the number of little members to